Love is All

I know, I haven’t been on my blog for a long time…

Life as a Virgo (regular job) and building a forever in construction straw bale house is taking its toll.

I remembered a song of the 70’s that I loved as a kid and that is my message of the day:


Some white lights in the corner of my eyes are coming, as they have done the last four winters in France. Maybe I’ll tell you what they are about soon. Vacation time is coming about. Ah, time to meditate!!!

For the Love of Mysteries

I’ve lived in America and now in France. What is the difference? Well, the question is, what do they have in common?

Mr Obama doing a cool sign….

Then today from Mr Sarkozy, in all places, doing a speech during a visit in a  hospital…

…being in trouble for some money given to his party before his election, in cash, by the richest French woman ( Loreal, you are worth it! Yes we can! Ooops, wrong country). He’ll be on tv tonight defending himself.

Cool sign, no? But what does it mean? Seems everybody famous loves it! Do they really listen to heavy metal at home???

It’s got to be an important sign I’m sure! Could this be all about Peace and Love? They all seem to be in some kind of ecstacy doing this sign.

I might start doing it!

The Bird Tribe

Well, sorry for the followers of this blog for taking my time. I have felt dry as bone for updates for a while and it is not me to make up anything unless I feel it. My life is going between transitions of deaths and newness.

I must say that I went to a funeral recently to a really cool 11th century church, in the middle of nowhere, and there were five and six pointed stars carved on the floor from the front door leading to the altar and Templar’s crosses on the walls. It still beats me as to who knew what at the time. The knowledge is just gone now…

Also, I have 3 days off, so I might call up my Templar’s castle guy to check it out. According to my spirit, I’m supposed to check on some tunnels, and not a reputed cellar that I”m told doesn’t exist.

One thing that got my interest though is from checking on my blog stats, I found out that someone found me through google-ing the “bird tribe space time.” Having experienced a group of beings that call themselves the Bird Tribe who not only have  showed me about time and space, but they are about time and space energy.

So google-ing these words, I found out that the Bird Tribes can be called “angels” or “extraterrestrials” or “Sirians.” I must admit that I cannot categorize them such as those. To me, they are just beings from another dimension, but the Sirian side is where they are connected to. How? I don’t know, but they are from the pillar connected to Isis’s energy, the alchemy and power/fears part of our beingness.

My experiences with them is different from the other energy that calls itself the Snake Clan — it’s opposite in a sense. It is when those two energies connect that you find the winged serpent or a higher consciousness (everything being so esoteric in my head that it is hard to put into words). It is all about frequencies and raising them. We, humans, are so much more than this 3rd dimension can present to our brains within this society’s materialistic brainwashing. Who are we, really?

The One of Many Feathers, an American Indian spirit, is the one who connects me to the Bird Tribe. He transforms himself into an Eagle. I was told that I am of that Bird Tribe vibration as a yellow bird. I got once the name Tiki Tiki Tanka, which I googled to find a video of three young boys doing: “tiki tiki tanka, whoo, whoo, whoo,” which cracked me up! I still don’t know the origin of this name and how it  could be related to a bird… . Sometimes in meditations one gets some weird stuff!

To me, the Bird Tribe is from another dimension, living in South America, high up in the mountains where no man can live comfortably. They can transform themselves from human to bird. They are from many races. They are helping us evolve and they desire that we get it together fast. In the beginning of my book, “The Voice of the Pyramid,” it goes:

“We are in urgent times. You humans need to raise your consciousness, so we, beings of other dimensions, can raise as well. If you choose otherwise, all of us will go down into lower vibrations. This is the time and it is urgent!”

I am aware of the Ken Carey’s “The Return of the Bird Tribes,” which I’ll have to read someday to compare.


The Templar’s Puzzle

The puzzle is solved … almost.

After over a year of having visions of symbols connected to Templars and Free-Masonry or Rosicrucians, a mysterious ex-French spirit came to me in meditation. He told me the name of the king of France of that time and the name of the Duke of the region he was working for. I googled those names and there they were right before my eyes!

As the days developed, he told me that, as a Chevalier (Knight Templar), he went off to Egypt. It is there that he met a group of people who taught him about esoteric matters and it is with them that he found out the mis-representations (lies) of the Christian church, which he still has very strong feelings about.  After some years, he came back to France and shared his understanding openly, only to be tortured to death. He showed me a not-so-nice vision before his death. I saw him half-stripped of his clothes and completely shaven — a Templar without beard and hair! Was shaving a Templar a humiliation? That is what I felt.

A few days latter, I started to negotiate with him. I had to have something concrete from him. He told me that he had a property near our village, and even told me the name of the road. He said to look for a side-road with a line of pine trees, so I went for a drive to look. It was so easy to find! An old château was right before my eyes. I was itching to go in but thought that I should get more info from my man.

Since I couldn’t hold on to the suspense, I called the château yesterday, presenting myself as a researcher of a Templar’s home. The owner of the castle who answered doesn’t really have any idea of the exact date it was built, but knows all about the time of the revolution and the family that lived there at the time. The owner explained that the main road that passed by this (his) château was originally a roman road that went for hundreds of miles. To my surprise, he totally got into my story of the Templar who lived there.  To my other surprise, he said that he has just finish a book on how to be psychic!

I ended up being a good hour talking on the phone with this man who told me to come and visit his place any time. What could happen??? My spirit-Templar has shown me some areas of the inside and outside of this old château — things to look for. The present owner told me a rumor that there is a cellar somewhere below this castle, but there is no door to be found. He has thought of getting an ultra-sound machine.

Well, that gets my imagination going wild!

The Caduceus

Well, I probably wouldn’t be writing about this if the one I saw in meditation wasn’t different. Mine had a sword, not a wand, pointing down. It had only one snake going up, not two and the two wings were above the handle of the sword.

This is not the first time I’ve seen a sword in meditation. Last year I had a vision of going inside what I call a vortex, a sword slammed in front of me and a voice told me that Jesus didn’t die on the cross. I am still not sure of what it meant, or choose not to, since I know this would upset a lot of people and I have no intention in doing so. All I know is that the sword was a Templar’s sword and this latest one was one also. Am I recollecting a Templar’s life? No idea…. I just hope that I haven’t killed anyone with it if it was mine!

In this meditation, the following came to me:

– The sword is all the chakras, from the root to the crown. It is also the middle pillar, the balancing of the masculine and the feminine energies.

– The snake is knowledge, the kundalini rising.

– The wings of the bird are the 3rd eye, the pineal gland, the chakra that takes one into other dimensions.

– All of the elements that form the caduceus are focussed on the cross where the handle intersects:  the + or X. This is the consciousness of the christhood, the bodhisattva, the enlightened one, etc.

I was reminded that as a child going to catholic church on ash Wednesday, the priest would do the sign of the cross with ashes on my 3rd eye. Even though this tradition might have become routine, I was told in this meditation that this a very ancient practice. The ashes, the 3rd eye, the bird: the Phoenix rising out of the ashes. Wow, what a blessing! I did a little research on it and had to pass through a bunch of  traditional stuff but this one caught my attention:

I still don’t know why some people are so quick to banish the snake, making it such an evil symbol. If they would have had a kundalini rising experience I’m sure that they would feel differently with their opinions. This is a life changing experience that only Love can understand.

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