The Bird Tribe

Well, sorry for the followers of this blog for taking my time. I have felt dry as bone for updates for a while and it is not me to make up anything unless I feel it. My life is going between transitions of deaths and newness.

I must say that I went to a funeral recently to a really cool 11th century church, in the middle of nowhere, and there were five and six pointed stars carved on the floor from the front door leading to the altar and Templar’s crosses on the walls. It still beats me as to who knew what at the time. The knowledge is just gone now…

Also, I have 3 days off, so I might call up my Templar’s castle guy to check it out. According to my spirit, I’m supposed to check on some tunnels, and not a reputed cellar that I”m told doesn’t exist.

One thing that got my interest though is from checking on my blog stats, I found out that someone found me through google-ing the “bird tribe space time.” Having experienced a group of beings that call themselves the Bird Tribe who not only have  showed me about time and space, but they are about time and space energy.

So google-ing these words, I found out that the Bird Tribes can be called “angels” or “extraterrestrials” or “Sirians.” I must admit that I cannot categorize them such as those. To me, they are just beings from another dimension, but the Sirian side is where they are connected to. How? I don’t know, but they are from the pillar connected to Isis’s energy, the alchemy and power/fears part of our beingness.

My experiences with them is different from the other energy that calls itself the Snake Clan — it’s opposite in a sense. It is when those two energies connect that you find the winged serpent or a higher consciousness (everything being so esoteric in my head that it is hard to put into words). It is all about frequencies and raising them. We, humans, are so much more than this 3rd dimension can present to our brains within this society’s materialistic brainwashing. Who are we, really?

The One of Many Feathers, an American Indian spirit, is the one who connects me to the Bird Tribe. He transforms himself into an Eagle. I was told that I am of that Bird Tribe vibration as a yellow bird. I got once the name Tiki Tiki Tanka, which I googled to find a video of three young boys doing: “tiki tiki tanka, whoo, whoo, whoo,” which cracked me up! I still don’t know the origin of this name and how it  could be related to a bird… . Sometimes in meditations one gets some weird stuff!

To me, the Bird Tribe is from another dimension, living in South America, high up in the mountains where no man can live comfortably. They can transform themselves from human to bird. They are from many races. They are helping us evolve and they desire that we get it together fast. In the beginning of my book, “The Voice of the Pyramid,” it goes:

“We are in urgent times. You humans need to raise your consciousness, so we, beings of other dimensions, can raise as well. If you choose otherwise, all of us will go down into lower vibrations. This is the time and it is urgent!”

I am aware of the Ken Carey’s “The Return of the Bird Tribes,” which I’ll have to read someday to compare.


The Caduceus

Well, I probably wouldn’t be writing about this if the one I saw in meditation wasn’t different. Mine had a sword, not a wand, pointing down. It had only one snake going up, not two and the two wings were above the handle of the sword.

This is not the first time I’ve seen a sword in meditation. Last year I had a vision of going inside what I call a vortex, a sword slammed in front of me and a voice told me that Jesus didn’t die on the cross. I am still not sure of what it meant, or choose not to, since I know this would upset a lot of people and I have no intention in doing so. All I know is that the sword was a Templar’s sword and this latest one was one also. Am I recollecting a Templar’s life? No idea…. I just hope that I haven’t killed anyone with it if it was mine!

In this meditation, the following came to me:

– The sword is all the chakras, from the root to the crown. It is also the middle pillar, the balancing of the masculine and the feminine energies.

– The snake is knowledge, the kundalini rising.

– The wings of the bird are the 3rd eye, the pineal gland, the chakra that takes one into other dimensions.

– All of the elements that form the caduceus are focussed on the cross where the handle intersects:  the + or X. This is the consciousness of the christhood, the bodhisattva, the enlightened one, etc.

I was reminded that as a child going to catholic church on ash Wednesday, the priest would do the sign of the cross with ashes on my 3rd eye. Even though this tradition might have become routine, I was told in this meditation that this a very ancient practice. The ashes, the 3rd eye, the bird: the Phoenix rising out of the ashes. Wow, what a blessing! I did a little research on it and had to pass through a bunch of  traditional stuff but this one caught my attention:

I still don’t know why some people are so quick to banish the snake, making it such an evil symbol. If they would have had a kundalini rising experience I’m sure that they would feel differently with their opinions. This is a life changing experience that only Love can understand.

The Elohim Orion

The reason why I haven’t been blogging these days is just because I have been wondering about my own sanity. I question my sanity because I feel some beings called the Elohim Orion on a daily basis again, and they are the ones that show me patterns. I have been feeling them on and off since 1996.

What reassures me is that it must be the sane thing to do to question one’s sanity, no? Humm… Plus, putting things on a blog is putting it out there for everyone to see. These are the things even my family doesn’t know about me. ” Hey mom, guess what? You know those Elohim that you read about in your Bible — I talk to them everyday.” … let alone telling your boss!

So last Sunday was the longest day ever, a lingering one when time didn’t exist. Even nature was standing still. I took a pen and paper and they gave me this message:

“We are Elohim Orion, creator gods of the universe, creators of your specific pattern. Gods is what you have decided to call us for so long.

“Your species still has a hard time believing that you are not alone in this great universe. You are not ready to accept our presence. Even though your telescopes show you great pictures of galaxies forming, you believe still that it is created randomly. You even believe that your own body was made randomly and your diseases are a curse put upon you.

“We are the creators of the first pattern, the most basic — the first breath. We, with you, have become co-creators of everything that you see, smell, touch, experience on your planet Earth.

“It is time now for all of us to create new patterns, new thoughts, new ideas for your evolution. It is going through time and space, the great vortex, that you will find these patterns. Most of you are already touching upon them either consciously, or in your night’s sleep.

“Co-creation with us is also in your future. A time when you, yourselves, will become gods and others will see you as such.

“The time is now for you to ponder upon these thoughts and make a decision as to where you might decide to travel collectively. We will wait for your decision, as you raise up your vibrations.”

Since these beings had given me marks on my body in the past (which I had called hickies), I asked them, that if they were real, to put another mark on my body (just not on my face). The next day I asked my husband to check on my back and sure enough I have a mark there, right behind my solar plexus. He tried to take a picture of it, but it didn’t turn out. So … Am I crazy or do I have proof?

I googled 3 pages about Elohim Orion. I saw drawings of them, but I cannot find any similarities at all. Whoever drew these made them look like Jesus with his beard and long hair. Mine are hairless with long faces. They don’t come in a UFO either. I read an article, maybe a channeling, where they talk of a divine blueprint — this is the only reference that I can connect to.

So here is my insanity. Now you know. I hope that you are just like me if you are reading this…

My Life in Symbols

After last year’s experiences of going crazy with pyramids and different symbols that lasted 5 months, I then settled back into normal-ness.

 It has been funny to see some of those symbols in churches or when I Google them, if I can find them at all–sometimes they might be the same or slightly different. It is funny also that they seem to be related to different traditions, but from the same core, as Free Masons, Rosicrucians, Alchemists, Templars, Cabalists, etc. and now quantum physics. I still don’t know of my possibility of having belonged to one of these groups in, lets say, a past life, or if I’m tapping into some pre-existent process. It is just too bizarre! Since I don’t “belong” to any of these groups, I cannot compare those symbols with what might be known. I am sure, anyway, that what I would be told wouldn’t make sense to me somehow.

Other symbols are coming though again now, one at a time, but different ones. They are very personal as they have always come with an understanding of spirit guides, teachers, Gods and Goddesses of yore, experiences and feelings.  Some symbols are just too impossible to trace but they feel incredibly powerful. As I am growing with and through them, I understand that they come as a process, an order of symbols that connects to higher dimensions.

Do these symbols better my ordinary life? Not obviously, but only in the sense that, since I am probably not the most gullible person, it makes me realize that everything that has been still exists. Through that which is all, there is no wrong, there is no right. It helps me to be more understanding if not more tolerant.

By the most basic of patterns that we all share and add to for our individual purposes, we are all conceived by the same geometric source. Like it or not,we are all inter-connected within this web of geometry and we are all here for the same reason, even if we express it differently. That is the beauty of it. I could just be happy and live my life with that knowing, but what can I do?

These symbols come to me at any time, during the day and at night !!!

Healing and Spirituality II

Even though we may find ourselves on a path that connects us to some teacher or healer, we are so forgetful that it is ourselves that heal, not that outsider that heals us. Our society surely reinforces that powerlessness. Some dogmas also are based on that lack of power: do good and be good and you’ll go to heaven, call on a saint or an angel to make things all good.  Ask God for help…

Asking for help is a calling outside of ourselves. Indigenous people seem to know better. They don’t ask outside themselves. They embody a spirit. They become one with spirit. There is no separation–no duality. They are One and the same with spirit and life. Living not far from the Lascaux caves, it is interesting to observe Cro-magnon man’s paintings. One can feel the oneness this man/animal. We might call them primitive but really, who are the primitive ones?

How long do we have to wait for help to arrive? At what cost? We have become so afraid of going within our own darknesses, our own shadows. We are afraid because we might have to change. Change is that great unknown. The unknown could be death–our deepest fear.

It really takes courage to go within our soul to find out what is there, hidden behind the veil. The dark night of the soul, we call it, the great power of the Goddess part within us.

Unfortunately, it often takes a disaster of some kind to decide to go to that dark place, without any choice–when we have lost our health, our processions or our mind. This is when we start to see little things as blessings.

No one but our Selves can find peace within. Peace is when healing occurs … or our last breath. Peace is when the soul is at One, atoned, attuned within its Self.

There is no saviour but ourselves. The saviour/spirit will not come if we don’t go within ourselves. We are the miracle and we just have forgotten, at One with everything that exists.

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